Hi, guys<br> <br>I am Wenjin from Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Science, pursing a master degree and my current research interests including using Data mining and Information retrieve technology to analysis software engineering (SE) data and support SE. <div>
<br>I have great interested in "Weight Schemes" project. and in the last few days I have learnt some detail about DFR model family by reading some papers and web page. I find that Terrier Project (<a href="http://terrier.org/">http://terrier.org/</a>) has implement most of DFR scheme in Java language, and briefly read related source of Terrier's package( org.terrier.matching.models), I think "weight scheme" can imitate that package, of course in C++. It will be better to implement a generic DFR weighting model allowing any DFR to be generated and evaluated. Since DFR is a framework or model family, which contains many basic models and different normalizations. thus, I want to know what our "Weigh Schemes" includes. </div>
<div><br></div><div><br>吴文金<br>Wenjin Wu<br><br></div>