<p dir="ltr">Hello,</p>
<p dir="ltr">I've been working on the KMeans clustering algorithm recently and since the past week, I have been stuck on a problem which I'm not able to find a solution to.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Since we are representing documents as Tf-idf vectors, they are really sparse vectors (a usual corpus can have around 5000 terms). So it gets really difficult to represent these sparse vectors in a way that would be computationally efficient to calculate euclidian distances. I had implemented a K-Medioids algorithm using PAM just to try it out, after modifying the API for whatever more was required, and that seems fine, since we are dealing with document vectors and not arbitrary vectors. But with KMeans, I am not able to figure out how to represent these centroids during each iteration when the average of a cluster is to be computed. <br>
So my confusion is, how could i represent an arbitrary sparse vector to be used as the centroid in k means?<br>
Can anyone please guide me on this?<br>
Will using boost C++ be a solution?</p>
<p dir="ltr">Thanks<br>