[Xapian-discuss] Powered by Xapian

Daniel Ménard Daniel.Menard at ehesp.fr
Wed Sep 16 19:11:44 BST 2009

Olly Betts a écrit :
> It looks like that's probably controlled by the WIKI_DELETE permission
> which is only available to admins currently.  I think we'd want to
> check that deletion can be undone before allowing it to be done by
> anyone who signs up for an account (so spam and vandalism can be
> reversed).
Oh yes, I understood. I while leave a note in the wiki page if I have 
files/attachments I wish to delete.
> It appears in the wiki edits timeline, and RSS feed for that.  I'd say
> don't worry about it - the wiki is there for people to use, so use it.
> I think it would be better to find a free (as in freedom not just as in
> beer) font.  It doesn't necessarily have to look similar even, provided
> it looks good with the logo.
> There was no URL for "[1]", but I found it and if I open it in the Gnome
> font viewer I see:
> 	Copyright 1990-1998 Bitstream Inc.  All rights reserved.
> Which doesn't sound promising.
Sorry for the missing link! For anybody interested, it was just a Google 

I should have checked. But it's just a copyright, it does not necessary 
mean that the font is not free, does it? (I mean. Xapian is free but 
source files headers contain copyrights. Am I wrong?)

However, I agree that I can't use this font because it is not 
accompanied by a full license.

So I searched a bit and I found this site
which offers "Public domain" [1] and "Open font licence" [2] fonts (I 
confess: I did not yet read the texts).

If I stay in the monotype fonts family, there are 5 fonts [3] (some 
fonts have previews, click on the font name), but I don't know how to 
use one of them (adler clean : pfb file only).

To my eyes, UMTypeWriter looks like the most similar to the original one 
but we can also start with something completely different...

There are many fonts, the choice is hard and I'm not the one who should 

Do you have a preference?
(I mean : Xapian team, please, choose one for me!)



[1] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain
[2] http://scripts.sil.org/OFL

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