[Xapian-devel] Re: [Xapian-commits] Changes in xapian/xapian-core/

Richard Boulton richard at lemurconsulting.com
Thu May 20 15:48:17 BST 2004

Olly Betts wrote:
> On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 02:55:13PM +0100, Richard Boulton wrote:
>>Add debian packaging files to distribution tarball.
>>Modified files:
>>    xapian-core     : Makefile.am
> You also need to add debian/Makefile.in to configure.in (I usually
> forget too).  Probably debian/control.in too.

Er - there isn't a debian/Makefile.in, and debian/control.in is 
generated by debian/rules.

Surely I'd only need to add them to configure.in if I'm planning to add 
debian package generation to the standard build process?  What I was 
thinking was that if someone wanted to build a debian package from the 
tarball they would do:

  - unpack tarball, and enter the unpacked directory.
  - run "debian/rules" to generate debian/control, and other files
    in the debian directory.
  - run "fakeroot dpkg-buildpackages" to build the packages.


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