[Xapian-devel] Documentation for the PHP OO wrapper
Daniel Ménard
Daniel.Menard at Bdsp.tm.fr
Wed May 10 11:08:45 BST 2006
I finally had a chance to spend some time on Olly's idea about
generating documentation for the object-oriented PHP wrapper
>Another way to approach it might be to postprocess Doxygen's XML output
>(which would allow mechanical changes to match PHP syntax).
I wrote an xslt script to test the idea (It is one of the first I write,
so there are surely a lot of "bad things" in it, don't hesitate to point
them !).
You can grab the xslt file from here (28 Kb) :
It produces a all-in-one html file (331Kb) :
(Don't mind about disliking the look of the result : it is done with a
css stylesheet included in the file and can easily be changed. ;-))
The only reason for having a standalone result file is that I don't know
how to produce multiple outputs from a stylesheet, but I think that it
can be an advantage : easy to download, to print, to mail and so on.
Generating this doc from a Xapian distribution requires three steps :
1. ask Doxygen to produce xml output (as a quick test, I directly
modified "xapian-core/docs/doxygen_api_conf", setting GENERATE_XML to
"YES" and ran "doxygen doxygen_api_conf", but the way to go is probably
: change the ".in" file, ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode, make docs
or something like that). The xml output is generated in "docs/apidoc/xml/".
2. combine all xml files generated by Doxygen in a file. Doxygen gives
all we need and generates an xslt for that, so we just have to run
"xsltproc combine.xslt index.xml >all.xml" from the xml output directory.
3. apply my xslt file on the file obtained to generate binding
documentation : "xsltproc doc.xslt all.xml > somewhere/index.html"
The xslt file contains some configuration options (search for "Config"
in the file) like :
- generating table of contents for classes and methods
- specifying how methods signatures are written
- using camelCase for methods names, like in :
- adding links to php web site for basic php types,
- etc.
The xslt file try to solve many problems :
- it must decide if a class is to be documented or not (many classes
which are in the public Xapian API are not in the wrapper).
The condition I set up is to keep only the public classes whose name
does not contain the words 'Wrapper' , 'Internal', 'Error' and 'Decider'.
- it must decide if a method is to be documented (idem : many methods
are in the API but not in the wrapper).
I exclude internal constructors, operators, destructors, deprecated
methods and specific method names like 'clone'
- it must convert xapian types to the types used is the wrapper. Classes
and enums are adjusted to the name they have in the wrapper and typedefs
are converted to the equivalent php type.
I'm not very happy with the result because I had to hard code some
Xapian names in the xslt file, which was not what I wanted (maintenance
The generated documentation still have many problems that I was not able
to resolve :
- some methods are documented but do not exist in the wrapper (e.g.
empty(), max_size(), swap(), create()...)
- some forms of methods use arguments types which are not in the wrapper
and should not be documented (e.g : get_mset with a MatchDecider,
get_eset with an ExpandDecider, SimpleStopper::__construct() with
- some methods exist in the wrapper but are not documented. This is
everything which is specific to the bindings :
and some which are not documented like (Simple)Stopper::apply().
- some methods have different signatures in the api and in the wrapper
(e.g. Enquire::_construct, Enquire_set_query...)
So this is a poor result : we have a doc which contains errors... :-(
How usable is it ?
Generating a better doc require that the xslt file "knows" more about
what is specific to the wrapper but adding more and more tests and
conditions in the xslt file is probably not an option.
Perhaps we can use a hand-coded xml file which would be included in
"all.xml" by using a modified version of combine.xslt.
It would allow to say things like :
- ignore methods xxx which have the signature yyy
- add documentation for method PositionIterator::get_termpos from what
doxygen generated for "operator *"
- add documentation for a new method MSet::get_document_percentage (doc
in Doxygen format would follow...)
I started to test that approach : the code is between comments in the
xslt file (search for 'mappings'), and the xml file I used is here (to
be copied in "all.xml") :
I miss time for now to go on, and I am not sure this is the way to go :
maintenance of this xml file is probably a problem...
On the other hand, the method used to generate the doc for the PHP
wrapper can probably be re-used to generate specific doc for the other
bindings. So a generic solution would be better. An xml version of
xapian.i ?
Any ideas ?
PS : by working on this, I found some errors which can perhaps be
corrected in the sources :
- MSetIterator::get_document documents an "it" parameter which does not
- some methods arguments are not documented and don't have a name in
doxygen output (search for '$arg' in the html file)
- some methods of the wrapper can not be used from PHP
(Enquire:register_match_decider for example)
Best regards,
Daniel Ménard
Banque de Données Santé Publique
Avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard
35043 Rennes Cédex
Tél. (+33)
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E-mail Daniel.Menard at Bdsp.tm.fr
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