[Xapian-devel] adaptive query scoring

Alexander Lind malte at webstay.org
Mon May 15 23:57:13 BST 2006

Hi all

Is there a way to do adaptive query scoring (as in popular results
returned by a query should get more weight because they are getting
clicked more often) in xapian?  Is this what the rset class should be
used for?

I could write a php app to do adaptive results scoring for separate
words (just recording the clicks and then have a cron:ned script add
weight to the document_id:s for the recorded words), but I don't see a
clear way to do this for phrase searches (as in document_id x should get
more weight if the search is for (and only for) 'xbox console', not
'xbox' or 'xbox games' or whatnot.


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