[Xapian-devel] Compiling 1.0.1 on windows : version.h

Daniel Ménard Daniel.Menard at bdsp.tm.fr
Wed Jun 13 16:40:54 BST 2007

Charlie Hull a écrit :
> -   copy ..\msvc\version.h ..\include\xapian\version.h
> +   copy ..\msvc\version.h.in ..\include\xapian\version.h

I have problems if I do that:
.\version.cc(27) : error C2018: unknown char '0x40'
.\version.cc(27) : error C2018: unknown char '0x40'
.\version.cc(27) : error C2065: 'MAJOR_VERSION' : ident not declared
and so on



Daniel Ménard

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