[Xapian-devel] [Xapian-commits] 10821: trunk/xapian-core/ trunk/xapian-core/api/

Richard Boulton richard at lemurconsulting.com
Mon Jul 14 11:04:32 BST 2008

Olly Betts wrote:
> I can't reproduce this issue with the patch reversed, and it makes
> handling of percentage cutoff inconsistent - setting the cutoff to n%
> doesn't return documents which would have got n% by being rounded up.

Ah, good point.

> If we're going to round, we need to fix how the percentage cut-off is
> handled by the matches to account for the 0.5% shift.

Yes, that makes sense.

> Do you have a repeatable testcase where this happens?

No, I don't.  I'll keep an eye out and try and build a test case if/when 
I see if happening again.


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