[Xapian-devel] questions about xapian

白俊良 baijl03 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 15 03:46:47 BST 2009

Hi! Alls

     i have read code of xapian more than one month,i leant a lot from your code
both form design of search engine and code details.
     however, something make me in a puzzle. 
     Take  RefCntBase as an example, it seems that it is a "kernel" of xapian, as
many classes inherit from it. But,what is it funtion? why is it so important?
     Another confusion is about Valuerangeprocess. I really want to make clear 
differences between valuerange-search and common search in details. I added   
   Xapian::DateValueRangeProcessor date_proc(2, true, 1930); 
in my code and my code works well. then, I debug it using gdb. however,i can not be inspired. Is there any important information i did not catch?

would you please give me some advice?

thanks a lot!

Live Search视频搜索,快速检索视频的利器!
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