[Xapian-devel] Problems with /bin/cat and flintlock?

Samuel Williams space.ship.traveller at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 07:28:58 BST 2011

Dear Olly & Xapian Developers,

I've done some more investigation and I think I may have an explanation.

I was looking at the individual processes and noticed that the /bin/cat process status:
# cat /proc/8207/status | grep SigIgn
SigIgn:	0000000000000001 e.g. ignoring SIGHUP[1]

I looked at the process tree:
 8113  8196  8111  8108 ?           -1 Sl      33   0:06  |   |       \_ Passenger ApplicationSpawner: /srv/www/www.oriontransfer.co.nz                                     
 8196  8207  8111  8108 ?           -1 S       33   0:00  |   |       |   \_ /bin/cat

Then I checked the status of the parent process:

# cat /proc/8196/status | grep SigIgn
SigIgn:	0000000000000001

I can only assume that the SigIgn flag is being inherited by the process, and thus FlintLock SIGKILL is being ignored.

I would appreciate some feedback on this, if someone else can validate or review the issue.

I've forked the xapian tree on github. If I can make a change, how do I submit a patch?


[1] man signal:
        SIGHUP        1       Term    Hangup detected on controlling terminal
                                     or death of controlling process

On 8/04/2011, at 9:21 PM, Olly Betts wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 08, 2011 at 05:33:02PM +1200, Samuel Williams wrote:
>> I noticed that it was sent SIGHUP, but it didn't quit for some reason.
>> Maybe you need to change this to SIGKILL? I was wondering if you knew
>> what "= ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted)" meant?
> Currently drowning in GSoC applications (as the deadline looms), but
> using SIGKILL is probably a sane change and could help.  Can you try
> that and see how you do?
> I'll try to make some sense of the logs later.
> Cheers,
>    Olly

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