[Xapian-devel] GSoC 2011: Improve Spelling Correction

Nikita Smetanin nikitozzz.pl at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 14:53:56 GMT 2011

Hello, I am Nikita Smetanin (ntz), russian student. I'm interested in
fuzzy search algorithms (also known as similarity search and spelling
correction), I have some articles and open-source implementations of
related algorithms. I also have good experience in enterprise software
development (Java/C++/C# and related stuff) and in small projects.

I want to work on your project "Improve spelling correction", but I
want to suggest some additions to that project:

- One or several phonetic matching algorithms to improve name and
surname search.
- Alternative faster (than trigram) algorithm for correction candidate search.
- More complicated word distance metric to improve result set relevance.
- Something about improving stemming quality.
- Language detection for automatic language-specific algorithms selection.

I'll be happy to participate in this project during Google Summer of
Code 2011 program and implement most of these ideas.

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