[Xapian-devel] Interested in GSOC projects

saurabh kumar saurabh.catch at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 21:00:30 BST 2011

Respected sir

I went through the specifications of  " QueryParser Reimplementation"
As I am currently doing a course on programming languages, so  I understand
low level functioning of a parser.

With the background I have in this field I am fully comfortable with this
I have also went through the source code of the current parser

I have some doubts :

1) Why is using the tools like yacc, bison not a good approach? Can you
illustrate with an example?

2) In the proposed project are we NOT going to use any tools like YACC etc.?

Meanwhile I am working on my proposal and plan to get my first draft ready
within next 24 hours.
Should I mail my proposal to the mailing list or just submit it at google
SOC site? Because certainly I would require your
comments to improve upon the first draft.


Saurabh Kumar

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 12:36 PM, Olly Betts <olly at survex.com> wrote:

> We're trying to keep GSoC traffic on xapian-devel, unless it is actively
> seeking feedback from the wider community of users.  We're let them know
> they can subscribe to xapian-devel to follow the action, but this way
> they aren't forced to get all the email about GSoC.
> So I'm replying to xapian-devel - please keep replies there.
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 08:26:18PM +0530, saurabh kumar wrote:
> > I am interested and would love to work on the following projects:
> >
> >  -  QueryParser Reimplementation
> >  -  Improve Spelling Correction
> > [...]
> > In fact I have worked on programming problems similar to both these
> projects.
> If you really have no preference, you brief summary of your experience
> sounds more in line with the QueryParser proposal, but don't be put
> off applying for the other if that appeals more.
> > I would be grateful if you could provide me with further details on
> > the above-mentioned project and help me in writing the proposal
> Did you read the linked to resource on the ideas page?  These give you
> further details for each of the ideas.  If you have any specific
> questions after reviewing that information, do let us know.
> There are links to resources for helping you write a good proposal
> here:
> http://trac.xapian.org/wiki/GSoCApplicationTemplate
> Once you have a reasonable version together, you can submit it in
> melange and we can comment on it.  You can submit updated versions up
> until the submission deadline.
> > and comment on the chances of these projects being selected by Google.
> Google don't select the projects - they allocate us a number of slots
> and we choose that many proposals.
> We're really looking for compelling applications.  If you submit an
> application we just can't turn down, then that's one we'll go for.
> Cheers,
>     Olly
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