[Xapian-devel] Word missing after stemmed with Norwegian in Search::Xapian::TermGenerator

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Mon Nov 26 19:21:59 GMT 2012

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 12:26:40PM +0700, Oat ABCTech wrote:
> I'm using Xapian-TermGenerator to extract Norwegian sentences to vsm
> (vector space model) using TermGenerator. But when I test generating vsm
> from 'Truet med å stevne misfornøyd PC-kunde - PC-leverandøren Asus likte
> svært dårlig kundens misfornøyde leserbrev.' It doen't return 'asus' result
> in vsm.

Have you tried looking at the terms which are in the database?  If not,

delve /path/to/databae -t Zasus

If 'Zasus' is in the database, then the problem is probably in whatever
Novus is doing.  If it isn't in the database, then a simpler testcase
would be very helpful (especially one which doesn't pull in other
modules beyond Search::Xapian).


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