[Xapian-devel] GSOC - 2013 - Introduction (Learning to Rank)

Mudit Gupta mudit.raaj.gupta at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 13:28:41 GMT 2013

Hello Everyone,

I am looking forward to contribute to Xapian and also apply as a Google
Summer of Code student. I would like to start by introducing myself. I am a
final year M.Sc.(H) Chemistry and B.E. (H) Electronics and Instrumentation
student at BITS - Pilani, Goa. I am interested in Machine Learning and
presently pursuing my thesis on the same. I have been selected for Google
Summer of Code (GSoC)  twice. During GSoC -11, I worked for the Centre for
the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan on making evolutionary
model for swarms (http://code.google.com/p/cscs-repast-demos/wiki/Mudit)
and last summer, GSoC - 12, I worked on making HLA interfaces for The
network simulator - 3 to aid ns-3 in distributed simulation (
http://www.nsnam.org/wiki/index.php/GSOC2012HLA). My first-degree thesis
last semester was on computational cognitive modelling of artificial
This semester I am working on the use of probabilistic algorithms for
dynamic gesture recognition. My googlecode profile can be found here (
http://code.google.com/u/110675325175605367090/ ) and my linkedIn profile
can be found here (

I am interested in "Learning To Rank" project.  If I am not wrong, I found
the framework incorporated by Parth in the cloned code. It needed some
refactoring in order to incorporate more algorithms and was done by Rishabh
and available in his git repo (https://github.com/rishabhmehrotra/xapian)
but is still not merged. So, I assume I should think of additions to the
code in Rishbh's repo. Moreover, I noticed that SVM-rank, ListMLE and
ListNet is already present in the code. I am interested in addition of a
random forest approach and looking for appropriate libraries. I would be
great to get input by the Xapian community in terms of preference of
algorithms and open source libraries. It would also be great to know the
priority of the Letor project to the Xapian community.

Any further pointers/links related to the "Letor" project would be
appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Best Regards,

Mudit Raj Gupta
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