[Xapian-devel] Regarding contributing to Xapian

James Aylett james at tartarus.org
Sun Dec 21 19:07:57 GMT 2014

Harsh; I’ve copied this to the mailing list, where more people can help you, and others can benefit from any questions you ask.

> Coming to the point, I am currently doing a PhD in BioNLP and Biomedical text mining. During this year's summer vacation I came across the Xapian project with a reference from Parth Gupta (He has been a contributor a couple of years back) and found it very interesting, as well as well aligned with my research interests. Parth and I met at FIRE conference year earlier where we discussed about the xapian community. I am following your work on Github since a couple of weeks, and i wish to join you wonderful in contributing to the community. I have forked both the docsprint and xapian git repositories and started playing around with it.
> I personally feel Xapian is doing a fantastic job in information retrieval particularly. Since you are one of the senior contributors, It would be really great if you could include me in your developers team and give me a head-start from where to start :)

The best place to start is here: <http://trac.xapian.org/wiki/HelpWanted>, where we list various things that could do with attention, from documentation to bugs and new feature development. Pull requests on github are a good way of getting code changes back to us, both for documentation and code (new features will probably include both).

You should read the HACKING file in xapian-core, both so you’re aware of various helpful features of the build system and because it has some useful information on coding standards and so forth which should make your first changes to Xapian a smoother process.



 James Aylett
 I make: devfort.com, spacelog.org
 Films: talktorex.co.uk
 Everything else: tartarus.org/james/

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