[Xapian-devel] Regarding implementation of Evalmetric class in Letor

Mayank Chaudhary mayankchaudhary.iitr at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 14:14:42 GMT 2014

Hi Parth,

I've implemented SVMRanker class
here<https://github.com/mayank193/xapian/tree/xapian-letor> in
this branch. And it works same as original non-refactored code(at least for
the random queries for which I have tried). Now coming back to implement
Evalmetric class, I am facing the problem where to start? Though I've
implemented MAP and NDCG vaguely
I haven't tested them. The reason being I am not able to follow up the
structure in the Ranker and EvalMetric classes.

1. What is the structure that has to followed in EvalMetric class? Will it
serve as a base class class for MAP and NDCG sub-classes or will something
like this<https://github.com/mayank193/xapian/blob/xapian-letor/xapian-letor/evalmetric.h>will

2. In Ranker.h, don't you think that functions for getting MAP and NDCG
scores should be defined? Why two objects for Evalmetric are defined
Also the functions for setting validata and testdata data members?

It would certainly help if you could give me an overview how Evalmetric
class interacts with other classes.


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