[Xapian-devel] Apply new format for doclen chunk

Hurricane Tong zhangshangtong.cpp at qq.com
Tue May 27 03:35:15 BST 2014


I am trying to apply new format for doclen chunk.

In class BrassPostList, 
I am going to add a bool variable is_doclen_chunk, 
In each function of BrassPostList, I deal with the condition when is_doclen_chunk is true.
Of course some functions don't need changing.

And in class BrassPostListTable,
get_doclength and document_exists don't need changing.
I am going to rewrite merge_doclen_changes.
I also need to modify get_chunk, dealing with the case when the parameter tname is empty.

In this way, it seems I just need to modify brass_postlist.h and brass_postlist.cc.
Is my understanding correct?

Shangtong Zhang,Second Year Undergraduate,
School of Computer Science,
Fudan University, China.
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