Letor: Feature sub-classes question

James Aylett james-xapian at tartarus.org
Tue Aug 9 13:09:46 BST 2016

On Mon, Aug 08, 2016 at 02:32:01PM -0400, Ayush Tomar wrote:

> I am working on breaking down Features into sub-classes. Should each of the
> features get their own sub-class, or should the grouping be done according
> to type? i.e. query-document pair dependent, query-dependent and document
> dependent sub-classes.
> Using this approach makes more sense if we plan to add support for user to
> include query-dependent and document-dependent features in future (we only
> support query-doc dependent features at present), however these will remain
> empty till the time we don't add features into them.

So I think the main driver for this is going to be: how in both cases
would you choose which features to use? If everything is its own
class, you just pass start/end iterators over objects. If there's a
QueryDocumentPairFeatures class, how would you say "use *this* one but
not *that* one"?

It feels like grouped would be the worst of both worlds to me, but
maybe I'm missing something.

There's also not a huge point in building empty classes, so I'm not
sure how grouped would be significantly different from what we have now.


  James Aylett, occasional trouble-maker

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