Coding period - 1st week progress

Richhiey Thomas richhiey.thomas at
Thu Jun 2 09:02:16 BST 2016

Hello devs,

I've updated my project timeline till the mid-term evaluation up on
I'd like to outline what I've done till now and problems that I am
currently facing so that I can overcome them with the suggestions.

According to the timeline, I had planned to finish the implementation of
the classes that will be used to handle formation of document vectors and
other classes which will be required by the Clusterer later.

I've done it in a way roughly similar to the previous clustering branch in
places where I thought the approach was the best way. (Formation of TF-IDF

I am currently left with defining the ClusterSet class which will be done

I have made two files named and cluster.h. cluster.h is placed
in xapian-core/include/ and is placed in xapian-core/cluster.
The problem I am facing is, I cannot figure out how place this in the
makefile and build it to test the code that ive written. Could anyone
please help me out with this?

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