R bindings for Xapian - Project progress

James Aylett james-xapian at tartarus.org
Sun Jun 19 18:01:39 BST 2016

On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 07:10:43PM +0530, Amanda Jayanetti wrote:

> > If you've installed xapian-core then the macro should just be
> > found automatically.
> When I replace the code block with the macro, it doesn't get automatically
> detected. Could you kindly tell me what could be causing this?

You probably need to specify XAPIAN_CONFIG:

$ ./configure XAPIAN_CONFIG=path/to/xapian-config-1.3

(This is because development versions of Xapian have the -1.x suffix,
but the macro looks for just xapian-config by default -- which is what
most people want, as they'll be using release versions of Xapian.)

> > at some point
> > we should probably sort out support for RXapian in there
> I don't understand why this needs to be done. Shouldn't the source code of
> RXapian be kept separately and distributed via CRAN?

How does putting code in CRAN work? Do you build a tgz or similar? (In
which case what we probably want is to have a script that does that,
and we can have RXapian in the main repo, which would make it easier
for us to run automated tests (or at least automated builds) for the
latest versions.


  James Aylett, occasional trouble-maker

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