xapian-letor: Prefix strategy discussion while indexing and preparing training file

Ayush Tomar ayushtomar at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 12:53:36 BST 2016


Following the discussion with James on prefix strategy being used while
indexing, at present, while preparing training file in xapian-letor
(prepare_training_file() function in api/letor_internal.cc), the following
hard-coded prefixes are added to every query from the query file:

Xapian::QueryParser parser;
parser.add_prefix("title", "S");
parser.add_prefix("subject", "S");

Hence, each query is parsed as follows: title:<query> ... <query>.

A user might not have this specific metadata storage in the database or
could have some other prefixes that were used while indexing. Anyway, the
user's query file should take care of any prefixes in the query string by

Hence, is it a good idea to give hard-coded support for these specific
prefixes by default?

Kind Regards,
Ayush Tomar | My Webpage <http://ayshtmr.xyz> | LinkedIn
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