xapian bug tracker registration email is not working

Ian Kelling ian at iankelling.org
Sat Apr 1 00:21:03 BST 2017

Olly Betts <olly at survex.com> writes:

> Hi Ian,
> Can you fix you "From:" header - currently it has a double name and an
> extra set of <>, which messes up replying and probably other things that
> need to parse mail headers:
> | From: Ian Kelling <Ian Kelling <ian at iankelling.org>>

Thank you.

> On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 01:13:14PM -0700, Ian Kelling wrote:
>> I tried to register yesterday, twice with 2 email addresses. The website
>> said it sent me mail, I never got a mail. Someone else, please confirm
>> this is broken.
> There's a bug in the trac account manager plugin which results in those
> emails not getting sent correctly sometimes.  James tracked it down
> but I'm afraid I've not had a chance to install a workaround yet.
> I'll send you the token directly shortly.

Thank you.

>> A bug I'd like to file is that I'd like an option to search
>> *word. Currently you can only search word*. The example where I would
>> find this useful is searching for urls and email addresses. For example,
>> I want to find emals from *xapian.org, can't do it now. I want to find
>> urls including *xapian.org*, can't do it.
> That's as documented, so not a bug as such:

Yes, I should have said feature request.

> |
> | Support wildcards.
> |
> | At present only right truncation (e.g. Xap*) is supported.
> https://xapian.org/docs/apidoc/html/classXapian_1_1QueryParser.html#ae96a58a8de9d219ca3214a5a66e0407e
> I have a work in progress branch to extend wildcard support, which
> supports your case amongst others:
> https://github.com/ojwb/xapian/tree/extended-wildcards


> But for URLs and email addresses, I'd recommend indexing them split at
> the punctuation, which is how TermGenerator/QueryParser handle them.
>> Another small infrastructure bug is that
>> https://lists.xapian.org/mailman/listinfo/xapian-devel says you can
>> simply send an email to the list without subscribing, but it seems no
>> one is paying attention to the moderation queue, so those messages just
>> in moderation forever. This is a common problem among projects, but you
>> can easily change the mailman page to say "You must subscribe to the
>> list to send messages."
> The moderators are sent a list each day of held messages, and yours wasn't
> in yesterday's so it's been on hold less than a day as far as I can tell.
> The queue is processed most days, so the text on the website seems
> accurate to me:
> https://xapian.org/lists
> | Posts from non-subscribers currently require approval (we'd rather not
> | have to impose this restriction, but we also want to avoid relaying spam
> | to our subscribers). So if you aren't subscribed, there's likely to be a
> | delay before your message is approved and relayed to the list. Please be
> | patient and don't resend a message just because it doesn't appear right
> | away.
> I've added that paragraph to the mailman templates in case people somehow
> end up there without going via the website.

Well, I feel silly not being patient and not reading enough. Sorry.

> Cheers,
>     Olly

Thank you so much, and thank you for your work on Xapian.

- Ian

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