Search Algorithm Used for Keyword Search

James Aylett james at
Sat Apr 8 18:34:41 BST 2017

On 8 Apr 2017, at 18:03, Dhiraj R <dhirajr57 at> wrote:

> Dear Mr. Aylett,

Please keep replies on the mailing list so others can answer and everyone can benefit.

> Thank you for your immediate response to my query. Actually, my question is not about the document (text) part. My question is confined to method of searching the list of keywords for a search term entered by the user. Assuming we have already created a huge list of keywords by looking up large number of documents. If this list of keywords is a sorted list, then binary search for a search term entered by the user is generally ideal.

I don't think you've understood that document, which does answer your question. Xapian isn't doing binary search; it implements a probabilistic information retrieval system, so it's generally working off inverted indexes (ie terms index documents when we're running a search). By default Xapian uses BM25 as the weighting scheme, which is used to determine the ranking of documents in search results.


 James Aylett — —

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