Regarding GSoC-2017 Project : "Implement Bindings for Go "

SHIVANSHU CHAUHAN shivanshu5100 at
Tue Jan 17 18:20:10 GMT 2017

My name is Shivanshu Chauhan. I am 4th year Mechanical engineering
undergraduate student with minor in Computer Science at Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) Guwahati.

While going through past GSoC organisations, I came across Xapian. I looked
at several projects on Ideas page, I found the project  "Implement Bindings
for Go" very interesting as it matches with my skill-set and interests. I
am proficient in C++/C/Python/Go.

I have downloaded the Xapian code from git repository and got it to build
as mentioned on Xapian GSoC Guide. I have read some resources mentioned on
project page like SWIG. I would like to explore more about project. I would
highly appreciate if someone get me started with code base of Xapian and
relevant readings.

I would like to know if there is any selection criteria like bug finding or
some qualifying task.

*Shivanshu Chauhan*
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