Query regarding GSoC

Saurav Sachidanand sauravsachidanand at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 15:51:39 GMT 2017

​​Hello Xapian Team,

I'm a CS undergraduate studying in India, and I've had some experience
working on a couple of open source projects [github.com/saurvs]. I'm
interested in this org so I cloned the Xapian repo and built it on Arch
Linux and I'm now looking at a bite-size task to do.

I noticed that last year there was a GSoC project to write R bindings to
Xapian's C++ API. I was wondering if there is any interest this year in
writing Xapian bindings for the Julia programming language. It too is a
language built primarily for technical computing with a growing but rich
set of data science packages, and even generally exhibits better
performance than R due to it's JIT compiler. The github.com/Keno/Cxx.jl or
github.com/JuliaInterop/CxxWrap.jl package could be used in this project.
If writing a Julia binding during GSoC would be a useful project for this
community, I'd love to submit a proposal for it.

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