[Xapian-discuss] Perl binding: crash & missing functions?

Sander Pilon sander@pilon.com
Wed, 5 May 2004 09:00:32 +0200

> You're limiting terms with positional info to 64 characters - 
> only URL terms can be longer than 240-ish.  I suspect you've 
> got a common URL which has length between 240 and 250 
> characters.  Change the URL length check to "> 240" instead 
> of "> 512" and all should be well.

Ok, I'll try it.

> If you want to index longer terms, look at the technique used 
> in omega's omindex.cc where the tail of the URL is hashed.
> > (Still, no excuse for "Aborted" ... )
> Indeed.  This case throws Xapian::InvalidArgumentError in C++ 
> (I just tested it to make sure).  It looks like the Perl 
> bindings only actually check for C++ exceptions when opening 
> a Database or WritableDatabase so it's probably not being 
> handled by anything which is why we end up with just "Aborted".

Oops! Now... if those could be converted to just error codes in perl, or
something less destructive then "Aborted". {hint, hint ;)}

