[Xapian-discuss] Search term not found.

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Tue Sep 14 23:24:53 BST 2004

On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 03:50:19PM -0400, Jim Lynch wrote:
> I've got a search that is failing.  I'm searching for 3 terms, anded 
> together.  One of the terms is b0026247.  I'm wondering if I have to do 
> something special to index terms containing number and letters?


> FMT=xml
> SORT=1
> DB=/closed20/closed21/closed22/closed23/closed24/closed25
> P=Brig Smith b0026247
> If I leave off the b0026247 term I get output from omega that is 
> reasonable but with it in I get:
> omega - omega 0.8.2 (compiled Sep 14 2004 11:20:46)
> Enter NAME=VALUE lines, end with blank line
> FMT=xml
> SORT=1
> DB=/closed20/closed21/closed22/closed23/closed24/closed25
> P=Brig Smith b0026247
> Exception: Document 44933532 not found.
> Any ideas what's happening here?

Well, document 44933532 isn't being found!

There's exactly one place than can produce that error message, and the
document id given is the one in the underlying database, not the docid
in the merged database.

It sounds like a consistency error in one of the databases.  If you can
keep everything else the same, but remove databases and see which is the
problem.  You can probably binary chop - so try:


If that works, hopefully the rest will fail:


Assuming one or the other fails, try each of the 3 in there individually
to see which is the problem.

Adding the extra term is presumably bringing the problem document into
the MSet - without b0026247 it will be hit 11 or lower.


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