[Xapian-discuss] About sorting by date (Performance)

Rafael Jorge rafaeljsg14 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 18 13:23:03 GMT 2005

Hi all, following this thread
http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.search.xapian.general/1922, now I can
sort my results by date, but the performance is very low (searches beetween
1~10 seconds), I want know if my problem is with Xapian or my
hardware+software, look:

Hardware (Not is a server, is a desktop (bad) adpted):

AMD Duron 1.5GHz - 64kb cache
900MB RAM (DDR 400)
2 HDs in the same IDE ( hda 40GB 7.200rpm, hdb 20GB 5.700rpm )

SO: Slackware 10.0.0
Postgresql-8.0.3 (228.384 rows to search)
Xapian-0.9.2 (228.384 rows to search)
Omega-0.9.2 -source was edited like thread, and without stemming ("none")-

Can someone help me?? Olly?? xD

Thanks a lot!

ps: Sorry about (bad) english

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