[Xapian-discuss] omega and searching specific fields

Sig Lange sig.lange at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 02:12:36 GMT 2005

I'm still quite new to xapian and omega. Olly was a great help in
putting together some docs on boolean search and I seem to still be
having a bit of trouble. Talking about it is the best way to (perhaps
by myself) solve my problem.

I am indexing a music collection and want to be able to perform
searches in certain fields.  I'm a little confused on the difference
between "boolean filters" and "Probabilistic Fields" .. I am using
boolean filters but perhaps use the other? I would like to use the B=
CGI parameter to search in omega.

So, I came up with a index file like this:
-- begin music.index --
id: index boolean=Q unique=Q
artist: lower field=artist boolean=XART index
path: field=url 
info: lower index
-- end music.index --

I can search and retrieve these documents as correctly but when I pass
a B=XART for example, I don't seem to be getting the normal results
back. Here is a sample record I feed into scriptindex.

-- sample record feed into scriptindex --
artist=A Perfect Circle
album=Mer de Noms
title=Sleeping Beauty
path=/storage/mp3/Full Albums/A Perfect Circle/Mer_De_Noms/A Perfect
Circle - Sleeping Beauty.mp3
info=album info dumped here
-- end sample record feed into scriptindex --

Thanks a bunch,
Sig Lange

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