[Xapian-discuss] queryparser characters question

Eric Parusel eparusel at creativens.com
Wed Nov 30 23:03:52 GMT 2005

> http://www.xapian.org/docs/queryparser.html
> Phrase searches
> A phrase surrounded with double quotes ("") matches documents
containing that exact phrase. Hyphenated words are also treated as
phrases, as are cases such as filenames and email addresses (e.g.
/etc/passwd or president at whitehouse.gov).

I'm a little unsure what gets split up and what doesn't.

I noticed that @#$%^ gets split on when in a query, but & doesn't...

eg: search term: aaa!bbb at ccc#ddd$eee%fff%ggg^hhh&iii
query: Xapian::Query((aaa:(pos=1) OR bbb:(pos=2) OR ccc:(pos=3) OR
ddd:(pos=4) OR eee:(pos=5) OR fff:(pos=6) OR ggg:(pos=7) OR

Is there somewhere where this is documented?  I'd like to try to match
up my importing "splitting" to the queryparser.


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