[Xapian-discuss] Re: Fetching a list of doc-id's from a database

Eric Bus mail at ilovelinda.nl
Sat Oct 29 23:30:13 BST 2005

Olly Betts wrote:
> So you want to find all terms with prefix "Q" (or similar) in a
> database?

Indeed! And it's indeed very easy to do, thanks for the suggestion! I'm 
still using omega and scriptindex to do the indexing, because the build 
in functions are everything I need. But even I can build this small 
program :)

One other question: at the moment, I'm using a queue to send new 
mutations to scriptindex. A couple of processes are putting data in the 
queue and another process dequeues them and runs scriptindex. For now, 
I'm restarting scriptindex for each dequeued command. Would it be 
possible to keep scriptindex running in the background? The dequeueing 
process would start up scriptindex once and use the input/output handles 
to send commands to it.

It's possible, but how does a running scriptindex affect the searches? 
Will the database be in some sort of locking state during scriptindex's 
run? I want to avoid the overhead of starting scriptindex for every new 
mutation, but if that results in slower searches, I'll pass :)

Thanks so far!
-- Eric

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