[Xapian-discuss] Results Filtering

Georgina Allbrook gja at waikato.ac.nz
Thu Apr 27 06:46:11 BST 2006

Hi all,

I am managing to have some success getting omega to work on our website
but have a couple of questions.  Is it possible to restrict the results
returned from a query to a particular hostname or subsite?
For some subsites I have a separate database, but for many subsites we
don't create separate databases.

In english I think the query might be something like: url starts with
www.mysite.com/bob/ and (word1 and words).

Reading the docs it would seem that I need to use boolean filter terms,
or maybe match decider.
Ideally I would have a couple of radio buttons, search the whole site,
or just a subsite.  But I don't seem to be able to make it work.  Is
this something that is difficult to do, or do I not quite understand the

Thanks Georgina.
Georgina Allbrook    
WebTeam : ITS Division : University of Waikato

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