[Xapian-discuss] Running two versions of Xapian on one server

Francis Irving francis at flourish.org
Fri Dec 15 08:15:25 GMT 2006

This is really a general Unix/Linux question. I install Xapian
manually from source on this particular server, and am using both the
Perl and PHP bindings. 

I would like to run a (much!) newer version on the same server at the
same time as the old one. This is so the website and existing indexer
can continue to run, while I build the new index and check things
work with the new version.

How can I build/install a new version of Xapian, so I explicitly
tell Perl and/or PHP to use it? I'm wondering if something like
I just build it, and set LD_LIBRARY path to the appropriate place
of the build tree when calling Perl? But that doesn't help with
testing with mod_php on the web server.

What do people do, and what suggestions do they have?

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