[Xapian-discuss] Very confused please help

james cauwelier james.cauwelier at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 08:31:18 GMT 2006

I noticed somebody wants to use PHP bindings.  Well, in the following
magazine (june edition) there is an article that describes how to use xapian
with PHP: http://www.phparch.com/issue.php?mid=59

Have fun,

2006/1/14, Olly Betts <olly at survex.com>:
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 01:25:42PM +0000, John Wards wrote:
> > But for the life of me I can not figure out how to get Omega to do the
> > sorting by price asc/desc.
> In the scriptindex index description change this line:
> > price: field
> to this:
> price: field value=0
> This puts the price in value slot #0 of each document.  A "value" is
> a small piece of data you want fast access to during the match - e.g.
> for sorting or collapsing similar documents into a single M-set entry.
> It doesn't have to be 0, and you can use any number of slots to allow
> sorting on different criteria.
> And then tell Omega to sort on value 0 by passing CGI parameters:
> SORT=0
> But beware that the sort is a STRING sort, not numeric.  The simple fix
> is to left pad the price to a suitable width with spaces or zeros.
> In 0.9.2, Omega doesn't allow reverse sorting.  The next release
> (hopefully out in a few days) will (just pass SORTREVERSE=1 as well
> as SORT=0).
> The standard workaround for 0.9.2 and earlier is to store a second value
> carefully constructed to sort the opposite way (say in value 1).  For
> example if property prices are always less than X, you could use X -
> price.
> > I would love to be able to use the PHP bindings but I can't get my head
> > around the examples...if someone could give me an basic example on how
> > to do the following in PHP it would help a heap!
> >
> > The search would be something like this:
> >
> > (AND on by default rather than OR)
> >
> > address: "fir tree"
> > countyid: XL19
> > sold: XSOLD0
> > sold: XUNDER0
> Most of it is going to be identical to the simplesearch.php example,
> except you want to build a different query.  Something like:
> $qp = new_QueryParser();
> $query = $qp->parse_query('"fir tree"');
> $query = new_Query_from_query_pair(Query_OP_FILTER, $query,
> new_Query("XL19"));
> $query = new_Query_from_query_pair(Query_OP_FILTER, $query,
> new_Query("XSOLD0"));
> $query = new_Query_from_query_pair(Query_OP_FILTER, $query,
> new_Query("XUNDER0"));
> That's assuming you want XSOLD0 AND XUNDER0 - which I guess makes sense
> if that means "(not sold) and (not under-offer)".
> If using the next release, you'd just write new_Query instead of
> new_Query_from_query_pair (the latter was needed to distinguish
> the different Query constructors because SWIG didn't support overloading
> in PHP bindings, but it does now).
> Cheers,
>     Olly
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