[Xapian-discuss] More fun and games with the PHP bindings

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Mon Jan 16 11:18:11 GMT 2006

On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 10:56:17AM +0000, John Wards wrote:
> $query = queryparser_parse_query ($query_parser, '"castle eden"');

This is a phrase search (because of the "").

> http://cms.octoberdevelopment.co.uk/cgi-bin/omega?P=castle+eden&DEFAULTOP=and&DB=boris&FMT=query&B=XSOLD0&B=XUNDER0

This isn't a phrase search.  The equivalent Omega search would be:


For this sort of debugging, try adding this to your OmegaScript query


This expands to Query::get_description() on the query which omega
builds, which you can then compare to the query you're building
in PHP.


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