[Xapian-discuss] retrieving attributes of searchresults
Matthias Zeichmann
matthias at volltext.net
Tue Jan 31 14:07:07 GMT 2006
i use the perl interface of Search::Xapian to index documents, now i got
metadata i store with the index like title, date, author, .. and i wonder how to
retrieve them from the index again without pulling them from the database.
i am pretty sure this is a stupid question and that the answer is obvious i dont
seem to be able to find it.
regards m
## vital parts of indexer
my $doc = Search::Xapian::Document->new();
_add_attr($doc, { # pass fields with multifield values as arrayref
'XAID' => $data->{article_id},
'XTITLE' => $title, # arrayref
'XDATE' => $data->{publicationdate},
'XTYPE' => $data->{articletype},
'XTID' => $tid, # arrayref
'XTXC' => $txc, # arrayref
my @words = _get_text($data,$title);
for my $i (0 .. $#words) {
my $w = $words[$i]; $w =~ s/[\.-]$//g;
$doc->add_posting($w,++$i) if $w;
sub _add_attr {
my ($doc,$data) = @_;
for my $k (keys %$data) {
if (ref $data->{$k}) { # arrayref / multivalue field
for my $v (@{$data->{$k}}) {
$doc->add_term($k . lc(decode_entities($v)));
} else {
next unless defined $data->{$k};
$doc->add_term($k . lc(decode_entities($data->{$k})));
## vital parts of search
my @srch = qw/nachrichtenagentur bloomberg türkischen XAUTHORcp
my $q = Search::Xapian::Query->new(OP_AND, at srch);
my $enq = $db->enquire($q);
my $mset = $enq->get_mset(0,999);
my @matches;
tie(@matches, 'Search::Xapian::MSet::Tied', $mset);
foreach my $match (@matches) {
my $doc = $match->get_document();
printf "ID %d %d%% [ %s ]\n", $match->get_docid(),
warn scalar @matches;
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