[Xapian-discuss] Getting started with Omega

Georgina Allbrook gja at waikato.ac.nz
Mon Mar 27 06:42:50 BST 2006

Hi all,

We are looking at replacing our existing search engine (htdig) with
Xapian/Omega. I've been reading the mailing list and docs, and it seems
that the best way to do this is to continue with htdig to crawl our
site, (it is spread across many servers), and then import the htdig
database files into xapian.

I think I have managed to import a htdig catalogue, the output from
scriptindex is 
records (added, replaced, deleted) = (1695, 0, 0)

and when I call the cgi it states 
Searching 1,695 documents

However, I can't get any results returned.  I'm not 100% certain that
there are really 1,695 documents, the record_DB and termlist_DB files
are only 40k each.  I have had to edit htdig2omega to make it work as
we're running 3.1.6, but I am not sure it really is working.  Are any of
the database files in human readable form?

Thanks in advance,
Georgina Allbrook    
WebTeam : ITS Division : University of Waikato
Ph 64 7 856 2889 x 6086

"Those who will play with cats must expect to be scratched." 
-- Cervantes

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