[Xapian-discuss] date handling

mlewis at xelent.net mlewis at xelent.net
Mon Oct 16 09:14:03 BST 2006

I have a situation that I am not sure how to handle. I have a Flint DB with
about 600,000 documents. I have my own indexer (nothing fancy, just converts
terms to lower case and inserts them into the DB with english stemming). I also
use my own search program (both written in C++). I need to be able to do a full
text search AND limit my choices by date. For example, all documents containing
"programming php between 2006-05-01 and 2006-10-01" or "foreach before
2006-02-01". Is there a mechinism within Xapian that I can use for this to do a
fast, efficient search?


-Michael Lewis

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