[Xapian-discuss] Searching multiple databases using omega -> database couldn't be opened

Taco van den Broek taco at takkie.nl
Thu Apr 5 15:44:25 BST 2007


I use Xapian and Omega to index and search a website and subsites of 
that website. Up to now I used to put all search data into one database, 
resulting in a database of 11GB. Since updating the index of that 
database started to take too long I decided to split up the database: 
one database per (sub) website.

So far so good, indexing is fast and searching behaves like before. That 
is, when you search only one site at a time. Unfortunately we allow our 
users to search all sub websites at once which went well when we used 
only one database, but now omega gives an error like: database 
`foo/bar/baz/qux` couldn't be opened.

Actually this is the second error message I got, the first was about too 
many open files which I solved by increasing the numer of allowed open 
files for the user executing the omega search.

Does anybody have an idea about how to solve this problem? Preferably 
without going back to using a single database ofcourse.

Best regards,


P.S. The number of websites is: 254

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