[Xapian-discuss] Multithreaded read access

Lucian Nicolescu lucian at tonicagency.com
Wed Aug 1 14:03:47 BST 2007

Hi all,

I have a Xapian index set up and a mutithreaded xmlrpc server serving

Inside the xmlrpc server I only open the xapian database for reading once.
This causes requests to "stay in line" in order to get results and sometimes
a one operation can take up to 1 second to complete (a time-taking operation
includes text analisys and some more operations besides the actual Xapian
interaction) thus delaying all the queued requests.

I read lots of documents about xapian in mutithreaded environment and
concluded that even for read access one cannot open the same database more
than once and perform operations at the same time.

Because I did not find a straight answer to this I am hoping one of you guys
can clear this once and for all.

I am using Xapian 0.9.6, Python bindings and Twisted Python XMLRPC package.

Lucian Nicolescu 

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