[Xapian-discuss] Re: [Swig-devel] license issue

Alexander Lind malte at webstay.org
Wed Aug 22 02:53:03 BST 2007

William S Fulton wrote:
> I think this is a non-issue. The SWIG licence is a BSD style licence 
> so the SWIG source and supporting files, such as typemaps can be 
> incorporated into any other code. If you are using the source, then 
> you have to acknowledge the copyright holders. As you are probably not 
> shipping SWIG with xapian, then you don't need to even do that.
> In the past you might have had to ship the libswigphp.so runtime 
> library from SWIG, but now that is not needed and isn't even shipped 
> with SWIG anymore. Even if SWIG still shipped it, it was BSD style 
> licenced so can be linked to code compiled with just about anything else.
> IANAL etc.
Thank you for the info, William.

Now does this mean that the PHP bindings generated with SWIG are alright 
after all (ie does not violate the PHP license), or does it mean that 
they are not out of the woods yet, but that this can be fixed by just 
generating them in a different way?  Or neither?


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