[Xapian-discuss] xapian / php license problems

Alexander Lind malte at webstay.org
Thu Aug 23 18:50:12 BST 2007

> I think that's probably a little pessimistic.  I suspect the outcome may
> be that you'll have to build it yourself from source.
Understood, thank you for clearing this up for me.
> I think we need to work to resolve this issue, but I don't think it
> benefits anyone to act hastily and just drop the PHP bindings.
>   The
> situation is certainly a problem, but none of the copyright holders
> involved have complained as far as I'm aware.
> In the long term, we'd like to change Xapian's licence, but that
> requires us to eliminate all the code which the copyright holder isn't
> willing to relicense.  This is happening naturally to some extent, but
> is going to take a while to fully happen.
I presume it is mostly older code that needs to be replaced?

Have you given any thought to what license you'd like to change over 
to?  BSD?
>> If the final result is a negative one, could someone perhaps offer some 
>> pointers on how I can go about creating my own PHP bindings using SWIG?
> That won't help - the first issue is with SWIG's PHP backend; the second
> is with using a GPLed library (Xapian) in a PHP extension.  Writing a
> PHP extension by hand would avoid the first issue, but the second is
> still there.
Understood, thanks again for clearing this up.


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