[Xapian-discuss] Postgres connection

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Tue Feb 20 14:24:52 GMT 2007

On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 06:28:47PM +0530, Gupteshwar Joshi wrote:
> Is there any way to connect postgres with Xapian?
> So that data can be indexed and searched with the help of Xapian but to/from
> Postgres.
> So, it would be great to integrate it with application which is database
> centric.

It's possible to do, but I'm not aware of anyone actually having done
it.  There's been some past discussion - for example, here:


Currently, the easy route is to have the Xapian application "pull"
changes from the Postgres database (by using a suitable SQL query,
or by dumping the table periodically if changes are frequent and

But that's not as flexible as what you're talking about.  It certainly
would be nice to see some sort of "connector" which allowed the SQL
database to "push" changes to Xapian.


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