[Xapian-discuss] Indexing & Querying multiple fields
M.J. van der Veen
forward at mvanderveen.nl
Tue Jan 16 20:56:17 GMT 2007
Ok, I'm lost
I'll give an example. I attachmed my index file, FMT template, 1 data
entry and the results of the delve -r 1 on the database.
I use Omega 0.9.7 & Xapian 0.9.7
I try the following query on the omega binary in lib/bin/
Both do not return any results. So, I'm kind of curious what I'm doing wrong..
On 1/16/07, Olly Betts <olly at survex.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 09:24:53AM +0100, M.J. van der Veen wrote:
> > I intended to say that with this index file, words indexed in the
> > 'text' field can be found, but those in the 'question' field can't.
> > I'm not sure why, since they are both in the general index?
> It's all the same index really, but they both should generate unprefixed
> terms.
> I'd suggest trying to find a simple one record input file which shows
> this problem. If it looks like a scriptindex problem, send us the
> example, or open a bug report for it.
> The delve tool (in the examples subdirectory of xapian-core) is a handy
> way to find out what terms index a particular document when trying to
> debug problems like this. Another way is Omega's godmode template (use
> FMT=godmode).
> > >You need to add something like $setmap{prefix,user,XU} to your query
> > >template, and then you can use user:maarten in the P parameter. See
> > >termprefixes.txt in the Omega docs for details - you want to read the
> > >section "Probabilistic Fields":
> > >
> > >http://svn.xapian.org/trunk/xapian-applications/omega/docs/termprefixes.txt?view=co
> >
> > I thought this was only the case when you search with the omega cgi?
> > However, I have a socket connection to the omega binary. Do I still
> > need the query template then? Or do you mean the FMT template (which
> > is only for parsing output right)?
> Yes, the FMT template (FMT defaults to `query' if not specified).
> This controls the output formatting, and also allows you to specify a
> few things about the database (like these mappings from user-visible
> prefixes to term prefixes).
> > So, do I both need the date=yyyymmdd and the D/M/Y booleans, or can I
> > use one of both?
> The "date" action generates the D-, M-, and Y- terms for you, so it's
> redundant to use "date" and also add the terms yourself.
> > Is there a difference in performance?
> Not really. There would be no difference at search time anyway.
> Cheers,
> Olly
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text=dit is mijn profiel
question=Mijn idool Britanny Beste band De sjonnies Tophit titlesong van de phantom Ik speel zelf Piano Lievelingssport Roeien
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delve -r 1 on the database:
Term List for record #1: D19830218 M198302 Q2 Rbeste Rbritanny Rde Rik Rlievelingssport Rmijn Rpiano Rroeien Rtophit XC:Rgroningen XCgroningen XGm XNmaarten XP1 XPR1 XS20 XUmaarten Y1983 band best britanni de dit idool ik is lievelingssport mijn phantom piano profiel roeien sjonni speel titlesong tophit van zelf
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