[Xapian-discuss] Would like to have a sort by a combination of date and relevance.

Jim jim at fayettedigital.com
Mon Jul 2 11:53:03 BST 2007

I've searched and saw a reference to a SORTBAND in the archives but 
don't see anything in the docs for OMEGA referencing it.  It seems like 
I saw a comment that it was being taken out.

Anyway, I have a client that would like to bias the sort by relevance by 
the date somehow.  I don't see any way to do that in omega.  I don't 
even know what's reasonable.  I could see taking the MSD from the 
relevance and averaging that with the inverse of age of the document 
with some kind of floor placed on the age so recent docs with lesser 
relevance would be moved closer to the top.   The floor would be 
necessary to prevent old docs from being pushed too far  down.

Has anyone actually done anything like that?


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