[Xapian-discuss] broken code

Michael A. Lewis MAL at ICGINC.COM
Mon Jul 23 16:56:12 BST 2007

It appears to happen everytime. That was an early thought of mine as I was using a 14k source of an HTML page as my test input. I modified the file to contain "This is the text to be indexed.". It failed there also.


From: xapian-discuss-bounces at lists.xapian.org on behalf of James Aylett
Sent: Mon 7/23/2007 11:44 AM
To: xapian-discuss at lists.xapian.org
Subject: Re: [Xapian-discuss] broken code

On Mon, Jul 23, 2007 at 11:37:26AM -0400, Michael A. Lewis wrote:

> Further information on my problem. There is a segmentation fault
> raised on the index_text() call. None of the database files are
> updated and the flintlock file is left in the database directory. If
> I yank the indexing code out of the program (everything in the try
> code) it works fine, in another program where I set the text to be
> indexed as "line="This is some text to be indexed.\nThis is a second
> line". The program that fails just reads the text to be indexed into
> a variable defined as "string line". The code that reads the text in
> is identical between the 0.9 and the 1.0.2 versions. The only thing
> that changed in the program code was the termgenerator usage in the
> try block.

Does it happen every time, or only on some inputs? There may be a bug
in the term generator to do with specific types of text or


  James Aylett                                                  xapian.org
  james at tartarus.org                               uncertaintydivision.org

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