[Xapian-discuss] Building 0.9.10 with MSVC++ 2005 Express Edition
Michael Sanders
m.r.sanders at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 15:43:24 GMT 2007
Charlie Hull wrote:
> Michael Sanders wrote:
>> Charlie Hull wrote:
>>>> 3) Unfortunately I haven't come up with a way around the third error:
>>>> cl /I.. /I..\include /I..\include\xapian /I..\common /W3 /EHsc
>>>> /O2 /MD /c /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "__WIN32__" /D "_WINDOWS" /D
>>>> /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /I"..\languages" /Fo".\\" /Tp
>>>> ".\omdocument.cc"
>>>> omdocument.cc
>>>> c:\downloads\xapian\xapian-core-0.9.10\api\maptermlist.h(34) : error
>>>> C2027: use of undefined type 'Xapian::Document::Internal'
>>> I don't get this error - can you post your PATH, LIB and INCLUDE
>>> environment variables?
>> Sure:
> Ah - I think I know what may be happening. There are two include files
> called document.h, and your previous modifications to the include file
> path may be causing the wrong one to be included. Could you try the
> latest version of the build tools from our site (remove the \win32
> folder you made earlier)? This copies unistd.h to the right place, and
> means config.mak doesn't need editing.
Yes, that fixed it thanks!
Now, on to the Python bindings and Omega...
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