[Xapian-discuss] question

Federico Schwindt federico.schwindt at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 14:07:59 GMT 2007


  I'm using xapian (0.9.10) for a work related project and I've found
something, not sure whether is a bug or not.
  When indexing the following file contents:


  using doc.add_posting('hi_how_are_you', pos), it index the term as
one entity, but when doing the query, as it treats underscores as
phrase separator, it does:

  Xapian::Query((hi:(pos=1) PHRASE 4 how:(pos=2) PHRASE 4 are:(pos=3)
PHRASE 4 you:(pos=4)))

  So my question is, when indexing documents that contains terms with
underscores, how I can later retrieve the term?


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