[Xapian-discuss] Searching with the Omega

Tong Sun mlist4suntong at yahoo.com
Tue May 1 19:58:20 BST 2007


I successfully followed the OmegaExample from

and have a working Xapian & Omega. However, I have
several questions on
indexing/searching with the Omega.

. The syntax for omindex is:

 omindex [OPTIONS] --db DATABASE --url BASEURL

 - what if I need to search for more than one

 - what if I do another omindex on another
directories, without specifying
   the --overwrite parameter?

. I searched the word "tance", which was randomly
picked from /book/ci_09.htm,
  - the result was, 

  /book/ci_27.htm is 100% relevant, /book/ci_09.htm is
only 79% relevant

  - but the fact is that /book/ci_27.htm doesn't have
the word "tance", but 
    /book/ci_09.htm does. 

  - same thing happens when searching for "Kermath",
which was also randomly
    picked from /book/ci_09.htm

. Even if the word "tance" is in /book/ci_09.htm, it
is not returned in 
  search result synopsis, nor it is highlighted. 

. The search result ranking seems odd to me. 

  - I first searched for word "test", the first
several hits don't even have 
    the word "test" highlighted in search result
synopsis. The page that 
    actually get the word "test" highlighted was
returned around the 10th hit.

  - I searched for word "adventure", the 2nd hit does
not have the word
    "adventure" highlighted in search result synopsis,
while the 3rd hit
    has 2 highlighted "adventure"s. 

. Just a quick question, is there any way to choose
"Matching all words" as
  default when first launching

Please comment

thanks a lot

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