[Xapian-discuss] php4 rpm bindings

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Thu Oct 25 18:21:34 BST 2007

On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 11:05:22AM +0100, Tim Brody wrote:
> Apologies if I sound like a stuck record :-)

Um, did you report this before?  Sorry if I missed it.

> I can build the 1.0.3 xapian-bindings spec file with PHP4 if I drop the 
> %{_datadir} from the php4 source directory (second line):
> %{?!_without_php: [ -d "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/php5" ] && mv 
> %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/php5 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/php}
> %{?!_without_php: [ -d "%{buildroot}/php4" ] && mv %{buildroot}/php4 
> %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/php}
> %{?!_without_tcl8: mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/%{name}/tcl8 
> %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/%{name}-tcl8-%{version}}
> My feeling is this is probably a bug in the PHP Makefile, but I can't 
> work out the point at which the php4 directory gets installed.

The issue is that php/Makefile.am uses datarootdir which is new in
autoconf 2.60.  If that's changed to datadir it should work with
both old and new autoconf.  I'll commit that fix but it would be
useful if you can confirm that make the spec file change unnecessary.


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